man working in data center environment

Scaling Your Business with Data Center Connectivity Solutions

Thursday, January 11, 2024

For many years data has been its own currency. 它既是当今数字经济的起源,也是所谓传统行业的中坚力量,这些行业的生存和抱负都依赖于利用数据支撑未来的能力. 

Whether you’re a tech company offering cloud services, software as a service (SaaS), or an online platform, your success will heavily depend on data center connectivity. The same can be said in financial services, where banks, investment firms, 保险公司需要低延迟连接到数据中心,以支持实时交易, data analysis, 和 risk assessment. Whether it’s hospitals, 诊所, or telemedicine providers, 我们今天所依赖的医疗保健本身就依赖于数据中心连接来存储和传输患者记录, diagnostic images, 和 telehealth consultations. In education, 学习机构需要电子学习平台的数据中心连接, student information systems, 和 research databases.

No matter the industry, 数据中心连接对于任何需要存储的组织来说都是必不可少的, 过程, 和 transfer data efficiently 和 securely. 它可以提高操作效率,支持增长,并增强整体客户体验.

A Driver for Business Growth

通过提供必要的基础设施来支持增长和扩展,数据中心连接在帮助企业扩展方面至关重要. 对于云计算中的带宽密集型工作负载和对延迟敏感的应用程序尤其如此, storage replication, data backup 和 migration, content distribution, 和 disaster recovery solutions. 所有这些都面临着组织本身和数据中心之间对高容量连接的日益增长的需求.

With scalable network infrastructure, a data center can grow to accommodate increasing data traffic, additional users, 和 growing workloads. For example, 网络基础设施可以增强,以适应端口密度和模块化设计, ensuring support for the growing dem和s with ease of management. Furthermore, 他们可以根据需要将数据中心连接升级到更高的带宽选项, ensuring that data can be transmitted quickly 和 efficiently. 这种扩展的灵活性对于数据密集型操作尤其重要, such as streaming, big data analysis, 和 cloud-based services.

确保不间断服务的冗余和故障转移机制也很重要, 在企业扩大规模的过程中,哪些因素对维持运营和客户满意度至关重要.

数据中心连接通过提供必要的基础设施来支持业务可伸缩性, reliability, 和 flexibility to meet the growing dem和s of an exp和ing operation. Whether a business is increasing its customer base, exp和ing into new markets, or introducing new services, 健壮且可扩展的数据中心连接是业务增长的重要组成部分.

What Tier (I-IV) Data Center Does Your Business Need?

数据中心通常根据其基础设施和功能分为不同的层. The four main tiers are 第一层, 第二层, 第三层, 和 第四层, with each offering a different level of availability 和 redundancy. 

  • 第一层 数据中心适用于小型企业、初创企业或IT基础设施最少的企业. 这一层提供有限的冗余和可用性,预期正常运行时间约为99.671% (28.每年8小时的停机时间),并提供基本的电力和冷却基础设施.
  • 第二层 数据中心适用于中小型企业,如小型电子商务初创企业. These provide an expected uptime of around 99.749%(每年22小时的停机时间)和增强的电力和冷却基础设施.
  • 第三层 数据中心是大中型企业的理想选择,包括许多企业级的运营. This tier offers a higher level of redundancy 和 availability, with an expected uptime of approximately 99.982% (1.6 hours of downtime per year). These data centers provide multiple paths for power 和 cooling, allowing for maintenance without service disruption.
  • 第四层 数据中心是为关键业务和大型企业(如.g. large financial institutions, cloud service providers, 和 healthcare providers) that require the highest levels of availability. This level provides the highest redundancy 和 availability, with an expected uptime of approximately 99.995%(每年停机时间少于一小时)-具有多条有功电源和冷却分配路径的完全容错基础设施.

In practice, the choice of data center tier should align with your business’s needs, 预算, 和 risk tolerance. 需要注意的是,数据中心层分类是许多考虑事项之一. Factors such as location, scalability, 安全, compliance, 在为特定业务选择正确的数据中心时,连接性也发挥着重要作用. 

FiberLight’s Data Center Connectivity Offerings

With 20 years of dedicated experience designing, engineering, 和 optimizing large-scale fiber networks, 以增长为导向的企业长期以来一直信任FiberLight的区域专业知识,并享受更高的服务, personalized account management 和 dependable customer service. In addition, customers can be assured that FiberLight’s new fiber, built in the last three to four years, 提供现有本地交换运营商(ILEC)和有线电视公司或多系统运营商(MSO)和有线MSO提供商的多样性, 操作, 和 managed network, built completely through organic growth. The benefits of FiberLight’s data center connectivity offerings include:

  • Increase Performance 和 Scale for b和width-intensive applications with efficient use of 10Gbps,100 gbps,400Gbps波服务和可扩展设备,以最大限度地提高带宽可用性.
  • Faster Turn-Up -选择带宽以支持您现在和未来的业务,可轻松扩展的带宽选项高达10 Gbps. 
  • Increased Reliability -通过旨在消除数据中心位置之间的故障点和延迟源的路由,体验改进的连接和服务可靠性.
  • Savings on Cross Connects -减少数据中心位置内所需的10Gbps交叉连接的数量, 100 gbps, 和400克bps circuits.
  • High-Touch Customer Service – Easy access to top executive 和 field resources, 为持续的帐户管理和服务维护提供更加个性化的体验.

FiberLight’s Data Center Interconnect

To stay competitive today’s businesses must be digital businesses. 对于网络运营商来说,持续的带宽增长和可预测的规模成本是一个持续的需求, data centers, cloud service providers, 和 content delivery networks.

而不是将多个1Gbps或10Gbps电路连接在一起,以适应不断升级的轨道增长, 组织可以通过100 gbps和400Gbps波长连接的更高容量来提高网络效率,同时降低成本. 无论您是在向一个数据中心增加工作负载,还是在两个数据中心之间迁移, 通过FiberLight的数据中心互连更快地实现您的业务目标.

FiberLight Delivers

  • Core backbone 以太网 capacity of 100 gbps 和 beyond, Wavelengths of 10G, 100G, 和400克, 和 Dark Fiber solutions.
  • 下一代设备-扩展能力,以支持任何客户的要求
  • Customization – Custom fiber paths built to customer specifications 
  • 密度
    • Ability to st和 up lit capacity 和 str和s for dark fiber requirements 
    • Up to 1,728 str和s in key metros 和 routes 
    • Key metro market overbuilds underway to exp和 density
  • 多样性
    • Diverse entrances into buildings (where available)
    • Multiple diverse backbone paths to data centers
  • 深度
    • Nearly 90 percent of fiber is 3.5英尺深的地下vs在地表下(微沟)或像ilec和mso这样的空中

数据中心连接通过提供必要的基础设施来支持业务可伸缩性, reliability, 和 flexibility to meet the growing dem和s of an exp和ing operation. Whether a business is increasing its customer base, exp和ing into new markets, or introducing new services, 健壮且可扩展的数据中心连接是成功的重要组成部分.

Learn more about FiberLight’s data center connectivity solutions at